Saturday 31 August 2013

Back Home

After Fizz following us to Antarctica, bringing along some polar bears who were on the same side as her (they were quite surprised to see the another place like the Arctic!) we then had to flee back here. I suppose being back in our own country being hunted by a border terrier is better than being in a cold place being hunted by a border terrier. Never mind, we'll just have to take more care in protecting ourselves.
Good luck to all other Westies out there and remember, stay vigilant!
Westie Society

Friday 23 August 2013


It has become too much. Too many Westies are being attacked by Fizz, we need to move away. Resort to the last resort! Flee to Antarctica! Save yourselves!
The Westie Society

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Protecting yourself from Fizz

Many will have heard of or, if you are lucky, have met Fizz. If you do not yet know about her, we seriously advise you to pay close attention, she is very dangerous to us Westies. Over the past few years, she has grown a hatred for Westies, we are not sure if it was some past experience or something else but she now tries to attack us; in response the Westie Society had a meeting and came up with methods to protect ourselves from Fizz - we have included a picture of the board from the meeting below so you can do so also. Ideas include disguising ourselves, keeping constantly up-to-date on her whereabouts and reading her blog to find out any extra information (Moo & Fizz blog). If nothing else works, the final resort is to move to Antarctica.
Thank you,
The Westie Society